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HIV / AIDS - kritische Literatur
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Alan Cantwell, Jr., M.D.
An Inquiry into the origin of the AIDS epidemic
" An important and easy-to-read book showing why AIDS is a man-made epidemic produced by a genetically-engineered laboratory virus. Doctor Cantwell explains why the unprecedented explosion of AIDS in Africa and America is no accident of nature caused by green monkeys. In documented facts, the author links the AIDS outbreak in the late 1970s to government-sponsored hepatitis B vaccine experiments that used gays as guinea pigs. Similarly, African AIDS is traced back to vaccine programs in Central Africa. A must read book!"
Softcover / 240 pages / Aries Rising Press / ISBN 0-917211-25-1 / 14,95 $

Peter H. Duesberg
A collection of thirteen articles originally published in scientific journals that call into question the dogma of infectious AIDS.

"We have not been able to discover any good reasons for why most of the people on earth believe in AIDS as a disease caused by a virus... There is no evidence that his is true and no one who can claim it by the ways of science. We have not been able to discover why doctors would prescribe a drug called AZT (which sounds like death itself - and IS, with certainty, after a few years) to people who have no other complaint than that they have antibodies to HIV in their blood. I don't think Peter Duesberg knows necessarily what causes AIDS. We have disagreements about that. But we both know what doesn't."
Kary B. Mullis, Nobel Laureate, Chemistry

"AIDS IS everybody's disease. AIDS is the first disease whose cause was proclaimed at a government press conference. AIDS is the first post-biotechnology disease. AIDS is the first geo-political disease. AIDS is the first disease recorded and reported cumulatively. AIDS is the first disease with a direct, iatrogenic cause: AZT. AIDS is the first disease of consensus, in a time when sience has degenerated to consensus. AIDS is consensual death. AIDS has turned Einstein's essential instruction, <The most important thing is never stop questioning> into <The most important thing is never to START questioning.> AIDS 'science' has one clear thinker. His name is Peter Duesberg."
Harvey Bialy, Science Editor of BIOTECHNOLOGY
Softcover / 580 pages / North Atlantic Books / ISBN 1-55643-195-3 / 18,95 $

Prof. Peter H. Duesberg / Prof. J. Yiamouyiannis
Prof. Duisberg, weltweit einer der bekanntesten Forscher auf dem Gebiet der Retroviren, bezieht in diesem Buch Stellung gegen das Dogma, ein Retrovirus (HIV) sei Verursacher von AIDS. Wenn er recht hat, werden alle - angeblich - AIDS-Kranken nicht durch diesen Virus, sondern durch die Chemotherapie und ihre fatalen Nebenwirkungen in den Tod getrieben!
Hardcover / 320 Seiten / Michaels Verlag / ISBN 3-89539-284-7 / DM 48,00

Prof. Peter H. Duesberg
HIV does not cause AIDS...
AIDS is not sexually transmitted...
AZT makes AIDS worse, not better...
So argues Dr. Peter Duesberg, one of the world's leading microbiologists, a pioneer in the discovery of the HIV family of viruses, and member of the National Academy of Sciences. Duesberg's evidence - revealed in top scientific journals but kept out of the mainstream press - raises questions the AIDS research establishment has so far declined to answer:

  • If HIV causes AIDS, why have thousands of AIDS victims NEVER had HIV?
  • Why have hundreds of thousands who have had HIV - for many years - remained perfectly healthy?
  • Why does the discoverer of the HIV virus now claim it can not be the sole cause of AIDS?
  • Why has more than ten years of AIDS research - costing tens of billlions of dollars - failed to show how (or even if) HIV causes AIDS or attacs the immune system?
  • With annual federal funding at more than $7 billion, AIDS research is better funded than any other disease - including cancer. Yet it has also produced the least results. Why? Duesberg explains how the powerful political pressure, have tempted otherwise responsible scientists to overlook - even suppress - major flaws in current AIDS theory. The answer? No more funding for more flawed research. Instead, start with an open airing of all the facts and failures, then determine the real cause of the disease. This book does both. For Duesberg's solution to the AIDS mystery is as convincing as his critique of the HIV theory - and could save hundreds of thousands lives at risk today.

Peter Duisberg is professor of molecular and cell biology at the University of California at Berkeley, a pioneer in retrovirus research, the first scientist to isolate a cancer gene, and recipient of the Outstanding Investigator Grant from the National Institutes of Health. His articles challenging the HIV/AIDS hypothesis have appeared in different scientific journals.
Hardcover / 720 pages / Regnery Publishing / ISBN 0-89526-470-6 / 29,95 $

raum&zeit special 4
AIDS - Dichtung und Wahrheit
Fundierte Dokumentation, in dem die verschiedensten AIDS-kritischen Fachleute zu Wort kommen.
Softcover / DIN-A 4 / 200 Seiten / Ehlers Verlag / ISBN 3-9801761-3-4 / DM 32,50

Michael Waldner
AIDS im Blut
Eine Naturheilmethode gegen AIDS, Gicht, Krebs und Steinbildungen
Broschürt / 62 Seiten / Ennsthaler Verlag / ISBN 3-85068-322-2 / DM 14,80

Paul Wallerstein
Das AIDS - Dilemma: Forschung in der Sackgasse
Der Internist Wallenstein widerlegt den virologischen Ansatz der AIDS - Theorie.
100 Seiten / DM 24,80